Texan • Fullstack Dev • CEO @TehcCringe and @htmx_org • Mid takes & unhinged tech memes (you wouldn't get it) • Neovim on a Mac, btw
54 decrease
This section shows tweet / post counts for the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
78.9% decrease
This is the total number of impressions your posts have made in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
21.7% decrease
This is the total number of likes you've received in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
2.3% increase
This is the total number of followers you have acquired in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
We collect new impression data each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
We collect new follower counts each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
We collect new engagement data each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
Top Posts
Top Posts
We show the top posts from the last 7 days.
Post | Impressions | Retweets | Quotes | Likes | Replies | Engagement Rate | Actions |
https://t.co/JsGAvCAYa0 | 50.2K | 49 | 5 | 1.7K | 14 |
what it feels like to code without Hot Module Reloading https://t.co/IWqLSYcZTQ | 25.7K | 13 | 3 | 185 | 4 |
$ git status $ clear $ git checkout master $ clear $ git pull $ clear $ clear does anyone else clear the terminal as instinctively as I do? | 10.9K | 5 | 3 | 259 | 103 |
https://t.co/TWuylq8aKH | 9.4K | 5 | 1 | 315 | 8 |
https://t.co/N0Av6VHMdQ | 8.2K | 16 | 0 | 269 | 13 |
https://t.co/DXP13BjuSc | 5.9K | 4 | 2 | 67 | 15 |
https://t.co/LZYeLH3zjo | 5.9K | 3 | 1 | 159 | 17 |
@thdxr This is how I read the email in my head https://t.co/SioYwuyBGY | 4.6K | 0 | 0 | 97 | 6 |
https://t.co/R29Zd42Kl0 | 4.1K | 2 | 0 | 115 | 9 |
@teej_dv does that mean terminal dot shop gets oauth? pls sir i want to log in with microsoft when login with microsoft? when login with vsc*de? when login with google? | 3.7K | 0 | 0 | 23 | 2 |
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (49 + 5 + 1746 + 14 + 36) / 50244 * 100 =
For this tweet: (49 + 5 + 1746 + 14 + 36) / 50244 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (13 + 3 + 185 + 4 + 35) / 25688 * 100 =
For this tweet: (13 + 3 + 185 + 4 + 35) / 25688 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (5 + 3 + 259 + 103 + 11) / 10881 * 100 =
For this tweet: (5 + 3 + 259 + 103 + 11) / 10881 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (5 + 1 + 315 + 8 + 6) / 9405 * 100 =
For this tweet: (5 + 1 + 315 + 8 + 6) / 9405 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (16 + 0 + 269 + 13 + 15) / 8188 * 100 =
For this tweet: (16 + 0 + 269 + 13 + 15) / 8188 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (4 + 2 + 67 + 15 + 0) / 5943 * 100 =
For this tweet: (4 + 2 + 67 + 15 + 0) / 5943 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (3 + 1 + 159 + 17 + 5) / 5911 * 100 =
For this tweet: (3 + 1 + 159 + 17 + 5) / 5911 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (0 + 0 + 97 + 6 + 18) / 4578 * 100 =
For this tweet: (0 + 0 + 97 + 6 + 18) / 4578 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 115 + 9 + 2) / 4118 * 100 =
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 115 + 9 + 2) / 4118 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (0 + 0 + 23 + 2 + 0) / 3732 * 100 =
For this tweet: (0 + 0 + 23 + 2 + 0) / 3732 * 100 =