Fmr. Nuclear & Missile Operations Officer US Air Force 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 ~
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13 decrease
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68.7% decrease
This is the total number of impressions your posts have made in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
61.3% decrease
This is the total number of likes you've received in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
0.6% increase
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Top Posts
Top Posts
We show the top posts from the last 7 days.
Post | Impressions | Retweets | Quotes | Likes | Replies | Engagement Rate | Actions |
Ukraine continues to target Russian oil depots and airfields inside Russia as Russian soldiers on the front lines continue to complain about a lack of training and resources before being sent into combat. My YouTube update for Saturday, Oct 5th @AtlasGlobalAid https://t.co/vPb5v4mq9T | 33.4K | 217 | 7 | 883 | 28 |
@P_Kallioniemi Yep, Elon changed the algorithm like he said he would and he is suppressing content related to Ukraine. My engagement is UP from people who see my stuff and the algorithm is “rewarding” me with less views and recommendations in the algorithm. https://t.co/rIvTC7qmHV | 24K | 369 | 19 | 1.6K | 71 |
@aseitzwald What explains this is 54% voter turn out in 1976. Turn out today is closer to 60/65%. Reagan and especially Bush politically targeted and mobilized the nation's evangelical community and prior to 1980 they just didn't really bother voting. | 21.1K | 1 | 0 | 93 | 1 |
My Halloween decorations are up. https://t.co/Y4T6HUKQ6X | 19.1K | 74 | 8 | 994 | 87 |
Israel has struck a Russian airbase in Syria suspected of supplying weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Russian military bloggers are now sounding the alarm that they are experiencing a shell shortage on the front lines. My YouTube update for Thursday, October 3rd @DefenceU https://t.co/tJRjsE59uf | 17.6K | 160 | 8 | 809 | 37 |
Putin has declared on the two year anniversary of annexing four of Ukraine's territories that he will never stop this war until he takes all the territory he has claimed for himself. Russia is also escalating by increasing conscription and the size of the Russian military. My YouTube update for Tuesday, October 1st @DefenceU | 13.4K | 124 | 2 | 478 | 34 |
I am from Milwaukee and attended a public school. No child in America is having major surgery while at school to have their gender changed without their parents even being told. Trump is insane. People who support him are insane for not putting a stop to these insane lies. | 13.4K | 147 | 0 | 769 | 38 |
@KamalaHQ “You guys promised me I would be allowed to lie freely.” | 9K | 16 | 0 | 384 | 9 |
Czech mate… https://t.co/aK2k8IQHyH | 8.9K | 42 | 0 | 517 | 18 |
It is interesting how Trump says he can get a "peace deal" in a single day and force Russia and Ukraine to stop fighting. Yet he never says that about Israel. Why does Trump believe Israel can conduct any military operation they want for as long as they want in order to secure the safety of their people but he does not believe that should be the case for Ukraine? | 8.1K | 79 | 5 | 520 | 47 |
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (217 + 7 + 883 + 28 + 25) / 33372 * 100 =
For this tweet: (217 + 7 + 883 + 28 + 25) / 33372 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (369 + 19 + 1560 + 71 + 33) / 23975 * 100 =
For this tweet: (369 + 19 + 1560 + 71 + 33) / 23975 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (1 + 0 + 93 + 1 + 3) / 21119 * 100 =
For this tweet: (1 + 0 + 93 + 1 + 3) / 21119 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (74 + 8 + 994 + 87 + 17) / 19060 * 100 =
For this tweet: (74 + 8 + 994 + 87 + 17) / 19060 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (160 + 8 + 809 + 37 + 21) / 17613 * 100 =
For this tweet: (160 + 8 + 809 + 37 + 21) / 17613 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (124 + 2 + 478 + 34 + 11) / 13437 * 100 =
For this tweet: (124 + 2 + 478 + 34 + 11) / 13437 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (147 + 0 + 769 + 38 + 11) / 13425 * 100 =
For this tweet: (147 + 0 + 769 + 38 + 11) / 13425 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (16 + 0 + 384 + 9 + 2) / 9027 * 100 =
For this tweet: (16 + 0 + 384 + 9 + 2) / 9027 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (42 + 0 + 517 + 18 + 14) / 8926 * 100 =
For this tweet: (42 + 0 + 517 + 18 + 14) / 8926 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (79 + 5 + 520 + 47 + 9) / 8105 * 100 =
For this tweet: (79 + 5 + 520 + 47 + 9) / 8105 * 100 =