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Ian Svoboda. Working @GenerateBlocks. Previously @10up @thepromenadeco. Creating a WordPress Development Course:


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@WordPress So let me make sure I'm following this: Matt shares private texts and messages, and that's fine. But when someone shares messages of Matt's that he doesn't like, now all the sudden it's not ok? What the actual fuck are you guys doing over here?
I hate to be a tease, but dammit I am stoked about these new GenerateBlocks 2.0 free/pro features. I think people are going to love the new Query Block (which can query more than just Posts in Pro!) and dynamic tags are a huge improvement over dynamic content.
Automattic is following the road of Harvey Dent in front of our very eyes
@thespacedmonkey I’d think they’d do this to pay for the bandwidth, at least at a certain level.
This block change is in fact, fucking dumb. Who the hell besides El*n is asking for this???
@ken_wheeler The algo doesn’t reward long form tech posts. Trust me I’ve tried. If I write some reasonable length tweet about a usual subject (in relative terms) maybe 500-1k views tops (at my follower count). If I write some hot take or dunk it gets like 2-3x that
@jherr Firewatch is a great choice here.
Man Apple Mail kinda sucks is @heyhey worth a look these days? I used to use it but I found the lack of offline message support pretty wack
Extremely disappointed by @Delta today. They not only delayed my flight by 4 hours after leaving us on the plane for an hour, they broke my wife’s suitcase.
If you write React components and frequently use an effect to update state based on props, I’m here to tell you: You probably don’t need that effect at all. More than likely you can get away with derived state (or in general less state). Also prop changes already make your components re-render. And hey, sometimes maybe you do need it. But it should be a last resort. You can probably just set that state again on render and just wrap it in a condition.