views are NOT my own . I don’t know who they belong to but they are defjntely NOT MINE!!!
74 increase
This section shows tweet / post counts for the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
87.7% decrease
This is the total number of impressions your posts have made in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
96.3% decrease
This is the total number of likes you've received in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
1.1% increase
This is the total number of followers you have acquired in the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days. If you have less than 14 days of data, we will show the available data.
We collect new impression data each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
We collect new follower counts each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
We collect new engagement data each day if your graph isn't showing enough data yet, it's because we are waiting for more data to be available.
Top Posts
Top Posts
We show the top posts from the last 7 days.
Post | Impressions | Retweets | Quotes | Likes | Replies | Engagement Rate | Actions |
https://t.co/nrlSBsVIrr | 212.5K | 21 | 13 | 749 | 133 |
“your future wife isn’t on tinder, she’s at church!” People are getting this all wrong. Aside from the fact that if you’re going to church to meet girls, the girls there deserve better… You idiots hear this and then go to CATHOLIC CHURCH? NOOOO!!! The datable ones are at the obnoxious Protestant megachurches with microphones and electric guitars OBVIOUSLY! | 61.3K | 5 | 2 | 670 | 60 |
Unfortunately I’ve come to find out that web deployment on IIS is 1.5x easier and less shitty than Linux/nginx | 44.1K | 2 | 7 | 329 | 59 |
Kids now are growing up completely engulfed by instant gratification: instant answers, info, and homework generation by chatgpt without any effort, instant entertainment/attention spiking by swiping through 6 second video after 6 second video, instant delivery of groceries and food, same day Amazon packages, instant streaming of any media in existence. We are e/accing into literal idiocracy but muh progress!!!! | 25.8K | 19 | 3 | 359 | 50 |
How few actual thoughts do you have if you’re letting Group Think as a Product decide fucking EVERYTHING for you | 25.2K | 4 | 2 | 265 | 23 |
I’m about to pay $200 extra for my flight to Japan just to avoid being in a Boeing . Gotta be the lowest trust company of the 2020s | 20.7K | 7 | 3 | 490 | 29 |
Bill makes an alt and sends this to me every time I make my fortnightly anti-Microsoft post . Gotta respect it https://t.co/0ceaQTdC0S | 15.6K | 2 | 0 | 388 | 14 |
How it feels when I fight with my reply guys but then we start getting silly instead https://t.co/jFX7asEFXD | 13K | 5 | 2 | 358 | 19 |
Catholic and orthodox women aren’t there to socialize ! You are annoying them!!! | 11.8K | 2 | 0 | 221 | 8 |
Am I allowed to make hyper-specific death threats and calls for violence on twitter yet or is that still a bannable offense | 11.2K | 1 | 0 | 87 | 15 |
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (21 + 13 + 749 + 133 + 158) / 212465 * 100 =
For this tweet: (21 + 13 + 749 + 133 + 158) / 212465 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (5 + 2 + 670 + 60 + 63) / 61323 * 100 =
For this tweet: (5 + 2 + 670 + 60 + 63) / 61323 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (2 + 7 + 329 + 59 + 25) / 44142 * 100 =
For this tweet: (2 + 7 + 329 + 59 + 25) / 44142 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (19 + 3 + 359 + 50 + 28) / 25811 * 100 =
For this tweet: (19 + 3 + 359 + 50 + 28) / 25811 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (4 + 2 + 265 + 23 + 11) / 25231 * 100 =
For this tweet: (4 + 2 + 265 + 23 + 11) / 25231 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (7 + 3 + 490 + 29 + 10) / 20726 * 100 =
For this tweet: (7 + 3 + 490 + 29 + 10) / 20726 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 388 + 14 + 2) / 15649 * 100 =
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 388 + 14 + 2) / 15649 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (5 + 2 + 358 + 19 + 4) / 13013 * 100 =
For this tweet: (5 + 2 + 358 + 19 + 4) / 13013 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 221 + 8 + 5) / 11813 * 100 =
For this tweet: (2 + 0 + 221 + 8 + 5) / 11813 * 100 =
Engagement rate is calculated as (interactions / impressions) * 100.
For this tweet: (1 + 0 + 87 + 15 + 1) / 11181 * 100 =
For this tweet: (1 + 0 + 87 + 15 + 1) / 11181 * 100 =