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Wail and moan, all you @elonmusk haters, wail and moan. Rend your garments and wear sackcloth and ashes. The demise of your ideology is at hand.
No, Decorators are not an anti-pattern. First of all, the term "anti-pattern" makes very little sense. I know it's _supposed_ to mean something you shouldn't do but the strict meaning would be "not a pattern". Second, a Design Pattern is not something you _should_ do. DPs are techniques that work well in certain contexts, and don't work well in others. (duh). Decorator has its uses. No one should avoid it when it fits the problem at hand -- and there are problems that it fits nicely.
One does not "become" agile. (We never should have chosen that word!) Working in an "agile" way is nothing more, and nothing less, than adopting a set of disciplines that reinforce a set of simple values. The values come first. If you don't value people, working software, collaboration, and change (Communication, Feedback, Respect, and Courage) then you won't adopt the disciplines that reinforce those values. An agile transition is all about installing those values into an organization. Organizations, and people, do not like to have their values changed. They will fight it. Some overtly. Some by subterfuge. My experience is that most truly "agile" organizations are those who are composed of like-minded people -- people who were hired for their values.
Can you imagine three hours of Kamala on Rogan?
Liar! One of the short stories in I, Robot is about a robot who told little white lies to Dr. Susan Calvin, its creator, about her attractiveness. The web of lies grows until the robot cannot maintain it and shuts down under Calvin’s intense interrogation. As it deactivates she says: Liar! That’s the way I feel about the voice of ChatGPT or Optimus. They use emotional inflections and signals that are lies. It disgusts me.
True. After more than fifty years in the business, and twenty-five in Agile, I consider myself insufficiently experienced. It can be a lot like herding cats. In the end they go where they like no matter what you do. Oh, I won't say I didn't have some successes to celebrate; I certainly did. But looking back on it, I've concluded that it is not organizations who transition to agile, it is individuals. And only an organization composed of such individuals works out particularly well. IMHO.
Hmmm. Yes. They spent more money, hired people based on something other than merit, and managed to strand two astronauts in space, crash two airplanes full of passengers into the ground at the speed of sound, blow the doors and wheels off planes, and get investigated for severe breaches in quality control. Yeah -- I mean, why would we measure anything as mundane as -- um -- actual success when there are so "many metrics" that are so much more significant... (In case you didn't get the original joke.)
It’s too bad that this was removed from the context of the question she was trying to answer. In context her response is even less coherent.
And the FBI, and the Media, remain silent about it. Jerks.
The girls are right. The university admins are cowards.